Workplace Injuries

We will work with your physician and Worker’s Compensation to deliver a program of therapy that will lead to your recovery from workplace injuries with a goal of returning to work as quickly as possible.
That may include a graduated return to the workplace along with ergonomic counselling to ensure the problem does not reoccur.
Workplace Injuries
A healthy office environment is of vital importance to increase the productivity of the employees. Likewise, physical security plays a tremendous role to gain their confidence as well. Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) has released some rules and regulations to follow and possibly minimize the risk of workplace injuries. Their research says that workplace injuries have been decreased amazingly. But the administrations still have got a lot of work to do to take this number to zero.
However, it is not the sole responsibility of the administration to produce such a risk-free environment. The employees must know the ups and downs of any possible workplace injury. This article will produce rich information which will allow you to understand certain risks and their remedies.
At Revital Health, we provide services to cure you if you are suffering from any workplace injury. If affected, such injury should not be taken light and treated properly.
Common Workplace Injuries
- Unprotected sides on the walls and stairs, wet and oily floors, under construction areas are at high risk for any slips, falls or trips of the employees. It’s unfortunate if you fall on your back. It could hurt your spine, hips and vertebrate disc as well. Therefore, if you work in such environment where you might come through any of this possible injury, you must know how to tackle yourself and what to do next. In most of the cases, a doctor visit is recommended to get your X-ray and make sure everything is in its place.
- Cargo companies or the places where employees lift heavy equipment manually can give the muscle strains or overexertion to them. It could happen if they lift the equipment suddenly, or they have been performing iterative physical activities without any breaks.
To prevent such strains, ensure that you are taking adequate breaks in your work to stretch your body so that you won’t get discomfort. Otherwise, if affected, you must visit the doctor immediately.
- If you’ve ever gotten in contact with workplace equipment such as unguarded machinery or tools, dropped loads, falling tools, a hand or shirt get caught in the machinery or wires, sharp edges of machinery, being pushed to the hard surface etc. then you must be aware of your surroundings. Some injuries are mild and not to be taken seriously, but some can get severe and require immediate medical assistance as well.
- Working around a mobile vehicle is also risky in itself. Heavy vehicles such as bulldozers, tractors, and lifting cranes can get you stuck in any unfortunate condition. To prevent yourself, you must keep yourself seated appropriately and use the seatbelt as well. Otherwise, seek a doctor’s advice.
- Chemical and medical companies always comes with their own challenges. Some common injuries are exposure to harmful substances, and inhaling anything hazardous. Possible prevention is to use mask and gloves, and not to touch anything unknown. In other conditions, seek medical assistance immediately.
- A very common workplace injury is fire and explosion. A short-circuit or even a slight spark can burn a building into the ashes. It is the prime responsibility of the administrations to maintain the building and set the fire alarms where needed. If, unfortunately, you undergo such a situation, the building must be evacuated as early as possible. And the affected employees should be brought to hospitals for their treatment. Otherwise, a fire burn can leave marks on the skin as well.
- Working in farmhouses, forests or with animals is another workplace injury that should be taken seriously. An animal bite can be poisonous, and it may require immediate medical assistance. The fierce or aggressive reaction of employees and an unfortunate fight can also lead you to the hospital.
If you get caught in any unfortunate scenario, you must contact your medical supervisor. At Revital Health, we provide all services of medication and surgery (if required) as well. We will work with your physician and Worker’s Compensation to deliver a program of therapy that will lead to your recovery from workplace injuries, with a goal of returning to work as quickly as possible. That may include a graduated return to the workplace along with ergonomic counselling to ensure the problem does not reoccur.