TR Therapy

Targeted Radio Frequency (TR) Therapy is a way to dramatically enhance results and cut recovery time significantly. Additionally the therapy is very pleasant as the heat spreads through your body and it is also supported by evidence-based science.

The TR Therapy itself is a multidisciplinary device which covers vast numbers of both acute and chronic sports injuries and musculoskeletal disorders.

It can be used with massage, passive motion, muscle activation or other techniques.

It distributes high-frequency energy into the tissue selectively and causes hyperthermy right where needed, whether it’s a deep muscle, ligament, joint or superficial structure.

TR Therapy instantly reduces pain and edema, relaxes tense muscles, and rejuvenates damaged tissue.

  • Targeted Radio Frequency Treatment

    The targeted radio frequency treatment is a non-invasive cure method for acute and chronic musculoskeletal disorders. The heat waves emerge from the frequency device in the form of targeted radio frequencies, these radio frequencies reduce the pain by heating up sensory/pain-producing nerves, a stimulant current. The method is popular among the health institutions because of effectiveness without ever needing to perform invasion in the skin.

    • The radio frequency waves inhibit the transmission of pain signals which allow the relief from long term pain.
    • The affected site does not have to go through any needle invasion nor is there medication used.

    Looking for radiofrequency treatment for back pain? At Revital Health, our therapists provide efficient sessions of radiofrequency treatment at economical charges.

    How does the TR Frequency Device Works?

    The famous procedures for diagnosis like CT scan (computed tomography) and X-ray utilizes the high-energy ionizing radiation. On the other hand, the targeted radiofrequency therapy utilizes the low-intensity radiofrequency in medicine, which is unlikely to be less common. Scientific studies and global usage of electromagnetic frequencies evidence the use is vital in the field of medical treatment and diagnostics.


    There are typically two variants of targeted radio frequency treatment category of applying to the patient.

    • TR-Therapy Massage Technique
    • TR-Therapy Passive Motion Technique